Monday, November 11, 2013

Blog entry 7

 The one archetype I am not familiar with and do not fully understand in The Ruler. To the ruler failure is not an option and power is all that matters. Almost like a machine in essence with the motor oil. As a Jester, I see it necessary to have fun and enjoy every second of the day I can. Joy and happiness are my forte. with the Ruler, there is much room for any fun. Its task after task all completed in a scheduled dance of harmony and perfection. As for the negative aspect of the Ruler, failure is something to embrace, it is how we as people get better, we learn from our short comings and  improve. Perhaps this is why so many kings have court jesters, to remind them that not everything is business an life is something to enjoy. A few examples I can think of regarding the rule are parents to an extent. they exercise control on their children. Although it is their job, their over exertion of their power can lead to some kind of resentment at the realized loss of freedom.